Sometimes I feel like a slave 2 the content
a true piggybacker
knowing that I will only have 1 moment 2 shine
This is it.
It is my right as an internet user
2 share my own vision on a topic that is #trending
adding cultural commentary
because I exist at the intersection of culture and culture
I am a content creator
Sometimes I feel like the star of the most interesting, comical, enlightening viral video of all time
called 'Shit That I Say'
I will share this link with my friends
they will give me kind feedback on it
Most of them will simply 'LIKE' it to avoid having to actually comment on it
Because I make them cringe, not just because I am legitimately 'not funny'
but because I am just 'trying so goddamned hard'
I am a hipster basher
I am an LDR basher
I am a ____ basher
Bashy McBashBashing is the Purest Art Form
On the internet, no1 is a spectator
We are all living, breathing, creating culture
Providing valuable cultural commentary
Which will exist in the cloud until #SOPA2: The Legend of Meme Gold
Capitalizing on tricky titles and manipulated search rank
in order to get 'mad views' from confused tweens who are Google infants
Sometimes I wonder
if we are all in an eternal youtube video
'Shit Ppl Who are Trying 2 Go Viral Say'
But srsly
that first video was kinda funny
if u r in2
Street Fighter 2 humor #Ryu #Blanka
Were any of these videos 'funnie' or were they all 'effing terrible'?